Posts Tagged ‘Beijing’


August 18, 2008

The US Men’s Basketball team beat the German teams ass!                   Final score…106 to 57!

Did the Germans even have to show up for this to get 57 points?  It reminds me of when people say you get 300 points in the SAT’s just for entering your name! 


Olympics Medal Tracker

August 7, 2008
The 2008 Summer Olympics begin tonight in Beijing!  Will Michael Phelps win 8 gold medals?  Can the US Gymnastics Team beat China?  Keep track of the Medal Tally below!
[clearspring_widget title=”Olympics Medal Tracker” wid=”4815fb5c4809f394″ pid=”489b4a36e1925266″ width=”300″ height=”400″ domain=””]

The Beijing Olympics: Are They A Trap?

August 6, 2008

The 2008 Summer Olympics begin this Friday in Beijing.  There has been extensive coverage on the transformation of Beijing for the olympics, from all the construction being done for the games to China’s people learning to say “Welcome to Beijing” in English…but is it all a cover up?

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